Take a quiz to find out how fair your relationship is...and how fair you are.
The following questionnaire can expand your awareness about fair give and take. There are no right or wrong answers. Don't spend a lot of time thinking about your answers. The purpose of this questionnaire is to help you identify fairness patterns.
Fairness with Your Partner
Usually True |
Usually False |
is simple. If you answered, "usually true" to five or more of the questions, this indicates that you are shortchanging yourself (and possibly your partner) in resolving fairness issues. Chapter Two of Try to See It My Way contains other questionnaires concerning fairness with parents, fairness with children, and general feelings about fairness. Temporary imbalances in give-and-take can reflect healthy nurturing. But ongoing imbalances in reciprocity can sabotage love. It's important to learn the underlying causes of unfairness in order to build a healthier relationship. There are two basic mistakes people can make: they can give too much or take too much. Turn to Chapter Three of the book Try To See It My Way to learn more.If you feel that your relationship is in trouble, or you've tried everything, and you're still getting nowhere, go to www.drbhibbs.com, Or www.marriagefriendlytherapists.org Or www.aamft.org for a well trained couples therapist near you.