Dec 23 2014:
Guest of the Diane Rehm Show, "Men, Women And Holiday Stress"
Read & Listen -
February 12, 2014:
Guest of Main Line Family Law Center: Keeping Your Heart Open When Preparing for Divorce (Podcast). Listen November, 2013:
(PODCAST) Dr. B. Hibbs joins Brigid Schulte as a Third Path expert to explain the key to solving most relationship problems--whether related to money, children or chores--is through a shared sense of fairness.
May 13th, 2013:
on WHYY Dr. Hibbs discusses Divorce prevention 101.
August 19th, 2012:
Dr. Hibbs discusses her book, Try to See It My Way: Being Fair in Love and Marriage, as a guest of Amy Alkon, nationally syndicated columnist and radio host. Listen
March 5, 2012:
on WHYY Radio Times, Dr. Hibbs discusses, "Nagging: The Marriage Killer?" Listen
December 12, 2011:
On FOX 29 TV, Dr. Hibbs discusses, "What Did Dottie Sandusky Know?" Watch -
April 4, 2011:
On FOX 29 TV, Dr. Hibbs discusses, "Do you really want to play cops and robbers with your kids?" Watch -
March 21, 2011:
On FOX 29 TV, Dr. Hibbs discusses, "The Three-Year Glitch," and tips on how avoid having "love and cherish," turn into "annoyed and bored." Watch
January 19, 2011:
On NBC Philadelphia, Dr. Hibbs discusses tips on how to avoid online dating scams. Watch, Read Accompanying ArticleDecember 13, 2010:
On NPR's Voices In The Family, Dr. Dan Gottlieb and Dr. Hibbs discuss how couples can "Fight Less, Love More". ListenJune 28 2010:
On NPR's Voices In The Family, Dr. Dan Gottlieb and Dr. Hibbs discuss "What's Happening to Long-Term Marriages?". ListenMarch 26th, 2010:
Chat with Women, Seattle, WA, Pam and Rochelle interview Dr. Hibbs. Read & ListenDec 21, 2009:
StayHappilyMarried.com interviews Dr. Hibbs. Read & ListenSept 18, 2009:
Dr. Jeff Low interviews Dr. Hibbs on The Relationship Show on KSVY, Sonoma, California. ListenJuly 6, 13 & 22, 2009:
Marty Moss-Coane interviews Dr. Hibbs on the topic of financial infidelity. Listen-
June 2009:
May 31 and February 9, 2009:
On NPR's Voices In The Family, Dr. Dan Gottlieb and Dr. Hibbs discuss her recently published book, Try to See It My Way: Being Fair in Love and Marriage. ListenApril 4, 2009:
Mary Jones interviews Dr. Hibbs on the Mary Jones, Talk of Connecticut Show. ListenMarch 30, 2009:
Scott Cluthe interviews Dr. Hibbs on Postively Incorrect! ListenMarch 27, 2009:
Guest of radio host Armand DiMele of The Positive Mind.March 6, 2009:
NBC-TV, The 10 Show, 11:00 a.m. WatchMarch 3, 2009:
Guest of Deborah Harper, director of psychjourney.com. ListenNovember 21, 2008:
Dr. Hibbs answers questions on her forthcoming book on WTRC am1340 radio, Indiana. ListenJune 6, 2007 Broadcast:
National Public Radio: April 9 ,2007: Siblings: Adult Children, Adult Relationships. Panelist, Live Forum.

- March, 2014:
Try To See It My Way: Being Fair in Love and Marriage, highly recommended by Psychology Today. Read More...
- December 20, 2013:
Dr. Hibbs is quoted in the Op Ed page of the Sunday, Washington Post. Read More...
- Articles: Spring/Summer, 2012:
Summary: Sally Friedman interviews Dr. Hibbs on the topic of lifelong sibling dynamics. Read more...
- February 20, 2012:
Summary: Dr. Hibbs is featured in a two-part blog, "Mothering 21" by journalist and author, Mary Quigley, on the topic of parent-young adult child relationships. Read more...
August, 2011:
Summary: Dr. Hibbs is quoted by writer Elizabeth Mosier in an article titled, Boomerang Kids & Granny Nannies. Read more...
- November, 2010:
Summary: Vicki Glembocki for Philadelphia Magazine interviews Dr. Hibbs on the topic of parental excesses. Read more...
Love After 50
Philadelphia Inquirer, February 12, 2010
Summary:Dr. Hibbs is quoted in an article by reporter, Sally Friedman, on the strengths older partners bring to love the second time around. Read more...Beyond Right and Wrong To Fairness
Psychotherapy Networker, Sept/Oct, 2009
Summary: Many couples get caught up in a struggle to prove who's "right." When a couple's energy is spent on winning, no one is motivated to be fair. How do you break that impasse and restore trust? Read more...Nestpert
The Nest Magazine, Summer, 2009
Summary: B. HIbbs is the "Nestpert" on work issues that can sabotage your marriage, and how to deal with it. (p. 28 of The Nest Magazine) Subscribe to The Nest Magazine...March 5, 2009:
PENGUIN BOOK GROUP releases: Try to See It My Way: Being Fair in Love and Marriage. Read an excerpt from the Introduction...April 2009:
Cosmo Magazine, quoted in article by Victoria Lowe.
Summary: What does it mean when your boyfriend doesn't compliment you?Crush Control
Women's Health Magazine, March 2009
Summary: Even couples in committed relationships develop crushes on colleagues, friends, even strangers. When that happens in your relationship, how do you understand the meaning of an infatuation and what do you do about it? Read more...How to Compromise as a Couple
Redbook Magazine, March, 2009
Summary: Four important tips on how to give your relationship a fairness checkup and learn to establish what's fair between you. Read more...Philadelphia Psychologist Pens Book on Fairness in Relationship
The Philadelphia Bulletin, Feb, 2009
Summary: A glowing review of Try to See It My Way. Read more...Just like kids, Spouses Have to Play Fair
The Philadelphia Inquirer, Jan, 2009
Summary: Some arguments in marriage are endless. Whether it's how fast he drives, how late you are, how much one saves, the other spends.Then there are the "Big Five" problems that top the chart of what couples argue about. How to fairly resolve your differences? Read more...

Coming Soon
Coming in Paperback!
Paperback edition of Try to See It My Way, March 2, 2010 - Order NowComing to Poland!
Try to See It My Way translated and published in Poland soon!Register for upcoming speaking engagements...